At a time when households are struggling to make ends meet, the Irish Petrol Retailers Association has made a last-ditch attempt and called on the Minister for Finance, Michael McGrath to put a halt on the planned increase in excise in both petrol and diesel motor fuel due to take place on the 31st March 2024.

David Blevings, spokesperson for IPRA said, “Consumers are facing an increase of 8cpl (petrol) and 6cpl (diesel) at the end of March. There are further increases planned for August and then via the Budget in October. While we recognise that Government has a budget plan, Ireland is currently running a budget surplus while its citizens are struggling under huge cost of living pressures.

This proposed increase will hit everyone in the pocket. From the individuals driving to work, families taking children to childcare, school and activities, and numerous businesses and station owners who provide local flexible employment in many towns and villages across the country.

We have numerous border county members who are already seeing sales of fuel, alcohol, and minerals down by up to 30%. The UK has extended their reduction in excise for a further 12 months and if this increase goes ahead, the gap between NI and ROI will increase further. 

There is little doubt, fuel tourism will decimate border towns and villages as petrol stations will lose forecourt and shop customers. Many will need to cut staff hours, local jobs will be lost, and local money will leave towns and villages heading North”, added David.